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Ice is Nice

Fire and Ice Recently, I had some severe back muscle pain brought about by a couple of vertebrae drifting out of alignment. Although the chiropractor was able to straighten me out, the muscles and nerves in that area were still going to be…

The Secret to Happiness

The happiest people are those who are in the pursuit of helping others. When we give of ourselves whether it is in service or gifts it releases endorphins that bring us great pleasure. I have hard fast proof of the validity of this statement…

Team Taranis LifeTree Update

Hi Gang We wanted to give you all an update on Team Taranis LifeTree as there has been some major changes to our CrossFit Games season.  Since earning our invite to the CrossFit Games with our first place finish in Brazil, it has recently…
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Use your Fitness

Hey Gang, this upcoming weekend is the May Long holiday weekend! We are taking the day off and so should you! There will be no Zoom workout or programming sent out that day. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the chance to participate…
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Livin’ the Dream

As I was growing up I always wanted to surf. My cousin was a surfer and I thought it seemed like the coolest thing in the world to do. I would by surfing shirts, I had surfing stickers on my flute case and even had a surfer on my 13th birthday…

Get Started!

It’s not advisable to preach on a subject if you yourself do not always walk the walk, but here I go anyway. Just because your doctor is a heavy smoker doesn’t make him wrong when he warns you to quit. So let me talk about procrastination,…

Taking Inventory

With the province's plan to start to lift some of the current limitations around social distancing it is a good time to take inventory of how we want our lives to look once things return to somewhat normal again.  As said by Plato “Necessity…
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5 Tips for Managing Stress

We all have stress, whether at work, at home, with family or with friends. Sometimes specific things or circumstances can make us feel especially stressed out. Stress is a very normal part of life but the most important thing is how we respond…

How Resilient Are You?

Feeling like things are a little tough lately? This quarantine thing isn’t easy. Experiencing so many changes is uncomfortable and not knowing when it may end can be draining. At the same time, this quarantine can be the perfect opportunity…

Get Outside!

School’s out! The shops are closed. The office is shuttered up. You’ve been told to stay home and flatten the curve. Sit on the couch, do your part. This practice  of quarantine goes way back to the 14th century during the plague. The…