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Triggers for Success in 2021

“We don’t rise to the level of our challenges; we fall to the level of our preparation.” This is a very wise quote from a mentor of mine named Chris Cooper. 

Almost all of us have smartphones to help us be more efficient and productive but sometimes triggers can cause us to be lulled into a scrolling trance. Have you ever gone onto your phone to check the weather and find yourself 15 minutes later scrolling through your IG or down a rabbit hole of advertisements? Our minds are triggered by notifications and reminders to take certain actions both good and bad but if left to our own devices we will always be led towards the path of least resistance. 

Our bodies are just like our minds. Ever tried doing a heavy strict press only to find your knees automatically dipping to help you get the bar overhead? My case in point :) 

Just because a road looks the easiest does not mean that this is the best route to our destination. Bad habits are easy to attain but very hard to break. If we don’t know where we are going then we are likely not going to like where the easy road takes us especially when it comes to our health and fitness. 

Creating purposeful triggers will help you take the best route to your 2021 Health and Fitness goals: 

  1. Book your appointments or reserve spots at CFLT for the week. 
    • Path: you will make it to the gym. 
  2. Plan your meals, make a list and shop for the recipes you have chosen. 
    • Path: you will make purposeful choices in how you fuel your body for success. 
  3. Book in your calendar 2 hours in your week to meal prep. 
    • Path: You will have prepared meals that you will eat each day. 
  4. Find a partner to share your goals with and check in on a daily or weekly basis. 
    • Path: You will be accountable to someone to stay on the correct road when other roads tempt you. 
  5. Set up an athlete check in here every 90 days to chat with one of the CFLT coaches about your progress so we can help you reach your goals as quickly as possible.
    • Path: You will have clear steps to take that will lead you to your desired destination. 

Happy and Healthy New Year,

Coach Tracey  

PS: This blog was inspired by an article by Chris Cooper here.