Start Where you are At

If you are a member of CrossFit LifeTree, you place a high value on your fitness. You understand the importance of exercise in attaining and maintaining a healthy body and mind. You’ve seen the results, you know CrossFit works. You’ve also…

Let Go and Grow

We all had things we were forced to let go of during our time in quarantine. I had to release my expectations for things that we had planned for the Spring and Summer at CFLT and it left me feeling so defeated.  I had invested so much time…

Health and Safety at CFLT

Opening our doors tomorrow is something we have been hoping and dreaming about since we closed 70 days earlier. We have been working very hard to put together a plan to keep you as safe as possible while improving your health and fitness. Safety…

6 Questions To Make You Stronger

For many of us the last three months have been anything but business as usual. We’ve all had to make adjustments in one way or another. Some of you had less to do and more time on your hands. Some of you, while being busy as usual, had to…

Cut Yourself Some Slack

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to CrossFit LifeTree! It seems like forever since we saw all your faces in the gym. After our long absence, many things will feel familiar upon return, but some will not. We will need to adjust and…

The Unknown Again

Pivoting to online coaching was a huge unknown to all of us.  As coaches we wondered about our ability to deliver quality workouts and provide the motivations needed for our athletes to get them done. Would it work, would people remain fit…
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5 Reasons Why You Should Stay OFF the Scale!

I have recently heard many of you mention how you may have gained a little bit of weight since we started quarantine. Often the scale is used as confirmation about how we are feeling in terms of our weight or body composition or as a goal when…

What to Expect When Coming Back?

It’s almost time for the doors to open and CrossFit to resume inside the gym! We are so excited for this and have been waiting for what feels like an eternity. We know the common sentiment is that most people are looking forward to this day…

Welcome Home!

On March 17th we closed our doors to our physical location and on March 18th you all picked up your equipment and we pivoted to online remote coaching. This pivot was so quick it made us  dizzy but after the initial shock to our system we were…
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Oh How Far You Have Come

Setting goals and moving forward! When we talk about about fitness, this is often what we’re referring to. One of the central tenants of CrossFit is “evidence-based fitness,” i.e. measurable, observable, repeatable. In order for us to…