Entries by Tracey Woiwod

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day everyone!!!  We at CFLT truly hope you have a wonderful day planned with your family and friends celebrating the diversity of our culture and the aspects of Canada that make it such a wonderful place to live.  At our family get together we usually play some games so I thought I would […]


Are the Workouts Getting Harder?

Are the workouts at CrossFit LifeTree getting harder? The short answer is no, but also yes. The programming hasn’t changed much from January to now. I still program thrusters, burpees and assault bike, just like I did back then. The duration and intensity is still similar as we are still working within a 60-minute time […]

The Importance of Self-Care

Self-care helps us maintain our own health and wellbeing. It also ensures we have enough fuel in our own tank to serve others. If we aren’t looking after ourselves, the external demands of life will eventually run us down to empty, making us of little use to not only ourselves but to those who could […]

A Body in Motion

We all have heard and probably have repeated the famous Isaac Newton quote; “A body in motion tends to stay in motion”, but often miss the second half; “unless it is acted on by an outside force”.  You can see how this law plays out in your own fitness routine. When you are on a […]

Hungry on Rest Days?

Often I hear the comment from some of my clients that they are so much hungrier on rest days! Why may this be? First of all let’s look at some of the body systems. There are some actions that require active thought where you are consciously choosing to do something (ex. running) and some that […]


Clear Directions = Clear Destinations

I remember when I was a kid going on a road trip as a family. I would dread the end of the day in the car when my map holding Mother was trying to give directions to my steering wheel holding Father. The goal was to get to the hotel we were planning on dining […]


Why We Retest

So you roll in to the gym on Monday morning like usual ready to hit a new workout. You’ve had a day or two off on the weekend and you’re feeling rejuvenated by the summer weather. When you check the board, you see a workout that looks familiar. “I’m sure I’ve done this workout before,” […]

Unlocking the Power of Routine 

There have been many inspiring and informative blogs over the past few months from our team of coaches here at CrossFit LifeTree. In writing these, our hope is you are able to take some of these nuggets of wisdom, beginning to apply them to your own life in order to achieve the change you’re looking […]

The Path of Resistance

The modern world has devised a machine to do just about anything that needs to be done. Work today bears little resemblance to the way people laboured in generations past. I can remember sanitation workers physically lifting garbage cans to dump them in the truck. At any road construction site, men hanging on to jack-hammers […]

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How do I get 6 pack abs?

At CrossFit LifeTree the majority of people who join do so because they want to lose weight, get stronger and have fun doing it. Occasionally I have someone say they want six pack abs again and inevitably the next words out of their mouth is “Is that possible for me?” My response is always the […]