Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day everyone!!! 

We at CFLT truly hope you have a wonderful day planned with your family and friends celebrating the diversity of our culture and the aspects of Canada that make it such a wonderful place to live.  At our family get together we usually play some games so I thought I would throw out some ideas for you if you want to give your gang a taste of CrossFit before you jump into the BBQ:

If you cannot make it to the workout today @ 9:30 am, here are some fun activities you can share with your family:

Canada Day Cindy

Go on your favorite 90 min hike and set a timer and every 15 mins stop and do the following 

5 push ups

10 sit Ups

15 Air Squats

Playground Burping Fran

21-15-9 reps for time 

Burpees and Monkey Bar Pull ups

Under Duck Partner Helen

3 Rounds for time

Run the perimeter of the park together

21 Under ducks on the swing each


If you do any of these we would love to see videos so be sure to tag us @crossfitlifetree.com on FB or IG. 

Have fun and stay safe!

Coach Tracey