Entries by Tracey Woiwod

Rachael (a.k.a. the newest CFLT Team member)!

Hi CFLT Community, I am very excited to get working and get sweating with this amazing group of people!  A little bit about me: I started my CrossFit journey in early 2015 with Caileigh and Caleb as my awesome coaches! I gone through three back surgeries as an adolescent, and I have come out stronger, […]


Why Do My Wrists Hurt When Weightlifting?

The wrists are amazing joints in the body! They have so many little intricate pieces working together towards a common goal. There are a significant amount of ligaments, tendons and bones that operate in unison to achieve a task. They are fairly resilient to the beating they take in the day-to-day stress that comes their […]


What can I do daily to strengthen my core?

I started my exercise journey in the 80’s in the era of big hair, neon outfits and headbands. The one who sweat the most won, heck we even wore plastic pants and shirts over top of our lime green leggings and called them sauna suits. Yes you lost up to 2 pounds at each workout […]

Dare To Do More Than Just Dream

As Caileigh and I were giving a seminar on nutrition, we talked about the importance of goals. I have written before about the importance of having a why behind your goals. A why that will emotionally motivate you to pursue your desires even when doing so isn’t easy. As we spoke, I was reminded of […]


Why We Don’t Allow Kids on The Workout Floor

Almost everyone loves kids. I like kids and I even used to be one. I  ended up raising a couple of my own and then on to grand kids. They are the greatest! I love having kids around whenever I can, but like all things, there is a time and place. Adult gym class is […]

A Friendly Reminder or a Broken Record?

Log your scores! We had Nancy show up again last week and there were some INCREDIBLE performances from the gang. We saw some amazing first time efforts and some excellent new PRs being set by those who had the opportunity to repeat the workout. There were also some folks who knew they had completed it […]

Breaking the Stress Addiction

We have had a tumultuous start to the year with threats to our health and finances, heart wrenching news stories and separation from friends and family.  If you have found yourself unable to stop checking social media and the news even though things are starting to return to normal, there is a very good reason […]

Are You Effectively Dealing With Stress? 

Stress is a part of everyday life, in fact we need it. Sometimes it gets a bad rap, perhaps because too much stress can be a problem; even causing disease. We intentionally introduce stress to our bodies in CrossFit in order to make it stronger. The interesting thing is we don’t actually get stronger in […]

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Scaling and The Ego

Everyone has a different reason for joining CrossFit. After a while, your list of reasons are likely to  change and grow longer.  Most of us just start out with the desire to improve our general fitness and as far as reasons are concerned, you really don’t need anything more than that. After a while you […]