
Are the Workouts Getting Harder?

Are the workouts at CrossFit LifeTree getting harder? The short answer is no, but also yes. The programming hasn’t changed much from January to now. I still program thrusters, burpees and assault bike, just like I did back then. The duration…

A Body in Motion

We all have heard and probably have repeated the famous Isaac Newton quote; “A body in motion tends to stay in motion”, but often miss the second half; “unless it is acted on by an outside force”.  You can see how this law plays out…

Clear Directions = Clear Destinations

I remember when I was a kid going on a road trip as a family. I would dread the end of the day in the car when my map holding Mother was trying to give directions to my steering wheel holding Father. The goal was to get to the hotel we were…

Why We Retest

So you roll in to the gym on Monday morning like usual ready to hit a new workout. You’ve had a day or two off on the weekend and you’re feeling rejuvenated by the summer weather. When you check the board, you see a workout that looks familiar.…
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How do I get 6 pack abs?

At CrossFit LifeTree the majority of people who join do so because they want to lose weight, get stronger and have fun doing it. Occasionally I have someone say they want six pack abs again and inevitably the next words out of their mouth is…

Give Yourself a Pat on the Back

“I should have gone a bit faster at the end of the workout” “I should have got another round in” “I should have held on for another rep” These are common sentiments at the end of workouts in the gym! You’ll hear them almost…

Why Keeping Score Counts

Quick! What’s the definition of score? Did you have to pause for a second and think about it? Just so we’re all on the same page, a score is a mark used as a measuring point. Keeping score is creating a record to measure progress, and in…

A Question of Balance

Have you noticed your balance ain't what it used to be? You’re not alone. As we get older (starting around age 25) our sense of balance begins to deteriorate. Staying  upright as human beings is tricky business. We rely on our eyesight, our…

Are you too old to start a fitness program?

It saddens me when I hear people use a number (which all age is) to stop them from trying a new sport or activity. When we look at broad, general and inclusive fitness it means that we are training to do many different things, many different…
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InBody Scan – The Full Picture

I have addressed in a previous post some reasons why we should stay off the scale or refrain from using it as the primary measure of progress in terms of weight loss and health.  What does an InBody Composition Scan tell you over your home…