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InBody Scan – The Full Picture

I have addressed in a previous post some reasons why we should stay off the scale or refrain from using it as the primary measure of progress in terms of weight loss and health. 

What does an InBody Composition Scan tell you over your home scale?

One of the primary reasons why focusing on the number you see on a scale can set you up for failure is that it does not take into account your body composition. Muscle weighs more than fat. If your body composition is changing and you are gaining muscle while losing fat, the number on the scale might stay the same or even go up. This is why you shouldn’t base your progress strictly by your weight. 

The InBody scan will give you a closer look at the entire picture! The results form will give you an accurate look at lean muscle mass, skeletal muscle, water retention, body fat, muscle breakdown and basal metabolic rate. By measuring your progress with an InBody Scanner we can look at the full picture and formulate a plan to help you achieve the goals you are looking for!

Click here to book your Inbody Scan today. 

Coach Caileigh