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The Why

A few weeks back Coach Caleb talked about 3 EASY Ways to Stay Motivated to Train. Today I want to dig a little deeper into the first point he mentioned, reviewing your short and long term goals frequently in order to keep the why at the forefront…
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5 Tips for Managing Stress

We all have stress, whether at work, at home, with family or with friends. Sometimes specific things or circumstances can make us feel especially stressed out. Stress is a very normal part of life but the most important thing is how we respond…

Find Your Accountability Partner

Let’s find you an accountability partner! If you already have one, that’s awesome! You might be getting another one if you’re lucky.  Why are accountability partners so helpful?  They are going through the same or similar workouts…

Flow State

With so many of us working at home now, juggling so many different roles being productive in our our work is more important than ever. Have you ever been doing a task and found yourself at its completion wondering how it got done? During the…
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Importance of a Cool Down

Hi Everyone: We are all familiar with doing our warm-up and the importance of it: we elevate the heart rate and bring our muscles and joints through full range of motion to help prepare for the work ahead. The not so popular cool down is just…

Core to Extremity

Some of you may have noticed that we have added in some extra core work into our individualized and bodyweight programming. It is also a topic that has come up a lot in Athlete Check-ins as something that you are all enjoying doing more of!  Building…

3 EASY Ways to Stay Motivated to Train

Motivation is usually the reason we either keep pursuing our goals and the lack of motivation is why we often fall short of accomplishing what we set out to do. It’s an overused word for sure, but it still can pack a punch if you can find…
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Build Your House

Of all the reasons people have for pursuing fitness, protection from sickness is the most compelling. Getting and staying fit is a buffer against getting and staying sick. CrossFit founder Greg Glassman talks about “The Sickness-Wellness-Fitness…
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The Digital PR Board

The PR board has long been the way we acknowledge and celebrate milestones reached by our members. PR stands for “personal record”, the term used to describe your best score in any given event or movement. Personal recognition is fun and…
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You Can Speed Up Your Metabolism – True or False? – Part 3

Why do I store body fat? You need 1000 calories a day to just exist (your basal metabolic rate or BMR) but you end up eating 1500 calories because you do your daily workout and move around a lot.  The science shows that your BMR + Thermic…