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Why is it SO hard to lose weight?

Anyone with a weight loss goal, who is working hard on establishing healthy habits, and trying to decrease the frequency of making unhealthy choices knows that losing weight takes time!  Progress is rarely a straight line and a successful…
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Why Going Over a Speed Bump Isn’t a Big Deal

When Caileigh and I were in Brazil this year, we rented a Jeep and drove out to the coast to hang out on the beach for a while. Driving in Brazil is much different than it is in Canada; turn signals are used sparingly, motorcyclists and mopeds…

Does Weightlifting hurt your joints if your over 50?

I started CrossFit 8 years ago and my primary concern was the health of my knees. In 2012 I was diagnosed with osteo-arthritus and had a MCL tear. My orthopedic surgeon told me that I would likely need a knee replacement by the time I was 55…

Why Do My Wrists Hurt When Weightlifting?

The wrists are amazing joints in the body! They have so many little intricate pieces working together towards a common goal. There are a significant amount of ligaments, tendons and bones that operate in unison to achieve a task. They are fairly…

What can I do daily to strengthen my core?

I started my exercise journey in the 80’s in the era of big hair, neon outfits and headbands. The one who sweat the most won, heck we even wore plastic pants and shirts over top of our lime green leggings and called them sauna suits. Yes you…

Why We Don’t Allow Kids on The Workout Floor

Almost everyone loves kids. I like kids and I even used to be one. I  ended up raising a couple of my own and then on to grand kids. They are the greatest! I love having kids around whenever I can, but like all things, there is a time and place.…
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Scaling and The Ego

Everyone has a different reason for joining CrossFit. After a while, your list of reasons are likely to  change and grow longer.  Most of us just start out with the desire to improve our general fitness and as far as reasons are concerned,…

Are the Workouts Getting Harder?

Are the workouts at CrossFit LifeTree getting harder? The short answer is no, but also yes. The programming hasn’t changed much from January to now. I still program thrusters, burpees and assault bike, just like I did back then. The duration…

Why We Retest

So you roll in to the gym on Monday morning like usual ready to hit a new workout. You’ve had a day or two off on the weekend and you’re feeling rejuvenated by the summer weather. When you check the board, you see a workout that looks familiar.…
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How do I get 6 pack abs?

At CrossFit LifeTree the majority of people who join do so because they want to lose weight, get stronger and have fun doing it. Occasionally I have someone say they want six pack abs again and inevitably the next words out of their mouth is…