Meet Liz Lyon – New Adaptive and Kids coach at CFLT
Hey Everyone,
It’s my joy to let you know that I, Liz Lyon have joined the ultimate crossfit team of the CFLT coaches this year. If you’ve been to a Tuesday noon class, you may have already caught a glimpse of my sweet dance moves that I’ve been teaching to the Adaptive Athletes just before. It’s been an honour to be passed on the torch of teaching these athletes, but also the Kids CF this year too! So I’m super excited for this next season and the fun and inspiring people I get to meet along the way.
My journey to CFLT started when I had a dream in the night while at a women’s retreat 2 years ago. I actually met Tracey at this retreat, and she happened to be in my dream, so I shared it with her the next day. In my dream the phrase, “Train the Trainers” kept repeating and I saw her raising up people to train others in fitness and the like. In my dream however I dismissed myself as someone who could do this, and I felt sort of down about this. However, without really fully understanding the meaning of this dream I shared anyway, and was met with such encouragement. I was drawn to Tracey, as I saw her as unconventional, and pioneering, and I can always partner with that! So when Tracey asked me back in April of this year to consider interning and join their team, there wasn’t any hesitation to join, just the practical childcare situation needed to be sorted.
I’ve been a stay at home mom now for the last 7 years, and since I was 12, I’ve been involved in some way or another leading kids, and working with people. Whether it’s been leading in sports, fitness, camps, church, you name it, I’ve probably facilitated this with kids, so it seems like such a natural fit to now get to do the things I love to do. Encourage kids, be active and have fun along the way.
So thank you CFLT team for giving me the opportunity to grow, and to continue to grow and encourage others along the way! If you’re interested ever in volunteering for either of these classes, there is always room for extra encouragers!
See you all around in the New year!