Thank You!

Hi Friends:

This past weekend I received some amazing gifts from you all and I am so grateful for the time and energy that it took to make that happen.
I also want to thank each one of you who made the Christmas party on December 15th.  Seeing our CFLT family together was such a wonderful treasure to me. There was such abundant joy and love in the room that it was physically tangible. Each table I visited was full of laughter and conversation and truly it made my heart swell with gratitude to you all. Those who could not make the event were missed which is another testimony to the closeness of our community.
One of the highlights of the evening was a member telling me how he had brought a family member to our gym while she was in town. He became quite emotional as he told me that she had never felt so welcomed and comfortable in a community before. This is such a testimony to you!!!
You make my CrossFit Momma’s heart so PROUD to know that whomever walks through our door they will be loved, accepted and encouraged in both the workout and in life.
Be blessed as you continue to love each other extravagantly both through the Christmas season and beyond.
Coach (Momma) Tracey